Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dance Legend plus a comparison!

I'm sad to say that this is my last Dance Legend that I have to show you.  I hope to rectify this problem soon.

Today is Zmei Gorinich, a jelly based black with lots of different color flakies.  This is a great polish, with a nice variety of flake colors.  I think green is the predominate color, but it covers a nice spectrum.  Formula on this was like the others, excellent.  I did end up smudging my ring finger while cleaning up, so while the other nails are two coats, that one is three.  The third made a difference, but really it might not be worth it if you aren't just staring at your nails all day.  This does need top coat to get that glass smooth look.

I decided to swatch this with my other Llarowe grab, Picture Polish's Festival.  I don't own a jelly black polish, so I just used a black polish (WnW Ebony Hates Chris, which is a really good black, btw).

index, middle, ring, pinkie

Festival on on my middle and pinkie fingers.  You might notice that Festival is brighter; indeed it is.  The flakes are different, and I like the Dance Legend because it's much deeper and there is more variety, but it is duller because the flakes are sitting in a black base.  The Picture Polish needed two coats, but it was a very easy polish.  I'm pretty happy with both of these.

That's it for today.  I'm going to try to start doing an aqua base project tomorrow.  I hope I can have that all finished by Saturday *crosses fingers*, so I probably won't have anything Friday.

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