Monday, May 12, 2014

Rainbow Honey - May Mystery Bag review

Finally.  Sorry it's taken so long to do swatches of these.  I did wear Waves already, but I only did a two coat mani, and it really needed three...not suitable for close ups.  So here we are.

First up in the trio is the aforementioned Waves, a gorgeous turquoise foil.  This was a hard color to capture in my camera.  It turns a bit bluer and loses some of it's shimmering beauty.  This is a beautiful color, worthy of getting a full size.  Formula wise, it was on the difficult side to work with.  The first time I used it, I ended up thinning it substantially but it still needed thinning this time around as well.  But honestly, it's worth it.  I've honestly thought both times that I've used this that I just might need a full size of it.  Ugh.  Show is three coats.

Next up, Neon Blossom. This is a complex mix of glitters, with chunky blossoms and hearts in both a neon (ish) yellow and pink, as well as smaller squares, and much smaller white hexes, and what appears to be shimmer floating in a clear base.  Very pretty.  This was pretty thick, as you might imagine to suspend those big glitters.  It's not too bad, though you may have to go fishing in this.  Show is one coat over Waves.

Finally, Petit Four.  This is a pastel jelly yellow with beautiful minty blue, rose and red (dark pink, magenta maybe) glitter mix.  This has round, squares and hexes, as well as a lovely reddish shimmer running through it.  Formula was ok but I recommend layering this over something similar because I did end up needed three coats to cover the nail well, and it was pretty thick at that point.  This reminded me a little of scrambled eggs before you cook them.  It's actually a really cool color and looks pretty good on.  I layered a thick layer of Gelous on top and it helped to smooth it.

That's it for now.  I'll try to churn some more posts out this week.  I've recently put up a storeenvy to destash and it is seriously the biggest pain.  I feel like it's not even worth my time at this point.  I feel like they could streamline it for us users but oh well.  I'm hoping not to waste too much more time trying to get my pics up so that I can blog more and maybe have time to practice my instrument.  See y'all next time.